Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 2 Israel: Touring Jerusalem on Pentecost

In all the world, there is a land.  In the land there is a city.  In the city there is a hill, and on the hill there is a rock.  Mt. Moriah where Abraham was instructed to offer Isaac his son (Gen 22:1-19) and ultimately where God offered His Son, Jesus the Messiah. The place where God has put His name.
It is the place where God instructed His people to build a temple to worship Him. Now the rock is covered with a dome.

Jewish graves facing Eastern wall

We covered a lot of history and territory as we toured Jerusalem today.

City of David outside the walls of Old Jerusalem
2 Samuel 6:12-17

Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed the night before He suffered and died.  Some of the olive trees are at least 2,000 years old.
John 18:1-12

Gethsemane Church next to the garden

Matthew 27:33-35
Golgotha - the place of the skull - where Jesus was crucified and died.

Garden tomb where Jesus was buried.
John 19:38-42

Garden tomb where Jesus arose from the dead.
Matthew 28:1-8

Western Wall of Prayer

Our group praying in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost (Shavu'ot)
After Jesus arose and presented Himself alive for 40 days He  told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem - which they did for 10 days until the Feast of Shavu'ot.  And then the Holy Spirit came!
Acts 1:1-8

Day 1 Israel : Jerusalem

Entering Jerusalem from Tel Aviv on a very special evening - "Shavu'ot" which marks the celebration of receiving the Torah for the Jews.
For Christians, it is the eve of Pentecost.

In front of the hotel Dan Panorama Jerusalem just before we celebrated Shavu'ot dinner with Rani Levy praying the blessing.  Rani has the tour company our group used for the trip, and has very special connections to Billye Brim.
The food for the entire trip was beyond fabulous, fresh, savory, scrumditiliumpcious - and in amazing abundance! This photo shows only one small table of salads.